With help from a Carrollton Main Street Downtown Beautification grant, Norton Properties founder and CEO, Jason Norton, recently completed a total renovation of the building at 118 Rome Street.
“This building is absolutely beautiful,” said Main Street’s board president, Faith Mallory Wright. “Jason and his team have done a wonderful job preserving the building’s historic value while integrating modern accents to give it a fresh look. I am so happy to see these grant funds used in a way that enhances the look of our downtown.”
The $2,500 beautification grant offset some of the cost of renovating the building’s facade. Norton described the redesign of the building as “industrial minimalist.”
“I wanted to take what had become a neglected, tired space and bring it back to life,” said Norton, who graduated from UWG as an economics major in 2004. “This space is my most ambitious project to date, but it made sense because the location is right and the numbers work. My hope is that this space will attract a quality commercial tenant to further enhance our wonderful downtown community.”
The purpose of the Main Street Downtown Beautification Program is to stimulate downtown development, improve the visual image of properties within the Main Street district and generate pride in the community. Applicants may receive up to $2,500 per project and must match the grant funding, dollar for dollar. The grant money can be used for awnings, signage and exterior painting and staining on the building, trim and door.
For questions about 118 Rome Street, call (678) 941-3493. For more information about the Downtown Beautification Grant, please call Carrollton Main Street at (770) 832-6901 or go to https://carrolltondowntown.com/merchant-support.