
First Fridays
The Carrollton Main Street Program holds networking meetings the first Friday of each month. The meetings are held at a different downtown location and are open to any merchant within our program district to attend. First Friday Meetings are a great way to hear about the latest updates or happenings, network with other merchants and check out each other’s businesses.

Downtown Carrollton Advisory Board
The Downtown Carrollton Advisory Board meets monthly. Have an idea or concern? Share your thoughts with us at

Grant & Loan Opportunities

Grant Opportunities
Downtown Beautification Grant

Loan Opportunities
Local business owners and entrepreneurs can apply for low-interest loans through the State of Georgia. The Department of Community Affairs facilitates these loans. To qualify for these programs, applicants must contact the DCA before beginning construction or purchasing a property. 

Georgia Cities Foundation Low-Interest Revolving Loan Fund (GCF)

DCA Downtown Revolving Loan Fund (DD RLF)

Downtown Dollars

Digital Downtown Dollars
Downtown Dollars are now purchased online. Downtown merchants can opt to participate by clicking the Apply to Join button here. This program is limited to businesses who are located in Carrollton’s downtown district. We still honor paper downtown dollar certificates. Bring them by the Depot on Bradley with your business name on the back for reimbursement.

How to Redeem
How to Redeem Video
How to Redeem Flier

Merchant Resources

Find quick answers on our most discussed downtown topics. This flyer covers most of the topics below and tells your employees all they need to know about working downtown.


Trash Collection



No Smoking