Altogether Advancing
The Carrollton 2023 Comprehensive Plan meets the guidelines of the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) Minimum Standards and Procedures for Local Comprehensive Planning. Preparation of a comprehensive plan in accordance with these standards is an essential requirement in maintaining the City’s status as a Qualified Local Government (QLG). QLG status allows communities to be eligible for state funding and permitting programs.
While we develop strategic plans for specific areas or projects within our local government, the Comprehensive Plan combines these planning efforts into a single planning document that will help guide growth in Carrollton over the next 20 years. This allows more certainty about where development will occur, what it will be like, when it may happen, and how development costs might be met.
The components of our plan are based on community engagement. Input from stakeholders – citizens, visitors, tourists and employees alike – is the backbone for a successful Comprehensive Plan.

Altogether Advancing
We worked with the Carl Vinson Institute of Government to develop a Downtown Master Plan for Carrollton. The Downtown Renaissance Strategic Visioning and Planning Process assists downtowns through the creation of a community-supported vision, plan and implementation program. The RSVP is both a downtown master planning process and a downtown planning document that illustrates the community’s vision for the future and provides the steps to get there. RSVPs help local governments and community partners prioritize top downtown issues and establish a consensus around what must be achieved in the short and long term.
Altogether Involved
The City of Carrollton hosted multiple public input opportunities to gather feedback that shaped the vision and plan for Downtown Carrollton.