Downtown Carrollton Advisory Board
The Downtown Carrollton Advisory Board meets monthly. Have an idea or concern? Share your thoughts with us at downtown@carrollton-ga.gov.

Grant & Loan Opportunities
Grant Opportunities
Downtown Beautification Grant
Loan Opportunities
Local business owners and entrepreneurs can apply for low-interest loans through the State of Georgia. The Department of Community Affairs facilitates these loans. To qualify for these programs, applicants must contact the DCA before beginning construction or purchasing a property.
Georgia Cities Foundation Low-Interest Revolving Loan Fund (GCF)

Downtown Dollars
Digital Downtown Dollars
Downtown Dollars are now purchased online. Downtown merchants can opt to participate by clicking the Apply to Join button here. This program is limited to businesses who are located in Carrollton’s downtown district. We still honor paper downtown dollar certificates. Bring them by the Depot on Bradley with your business name on the back for reimbursement.
How to Redeem
How to Redeem Video
How to Redeem Flier
Merchant Resources
Find quick answers on our most discussed downtown topics. This flyer covers most of the topics below and tells your employees all they need to know about working downtown.
We all love a great parking spot, but please leave parking on the square for customers. Business owners and employees should not park on Adamson Square during peak business hours. If you see your neighbor parking out front, kindly remind them leave those spots for customers.
Parking spots may not be “reserved” with a cone nor may vehicles or materials be stored on city-owned parking overnight at any time.
Trash Collection
All commercial trash should be disposed in the appropriate dumpsters or hobo bins behind your building. The small trash receptacles on and around Adamson Square should not be used at any time for commercial trash disposal. Please remind your employees to take the trash to the appropriate dumpster – especially during late night.
Likewise, residents should use the hobo bins allocated to your building to dispose of trash. Remind residents to not dispose of mattresses, sofas or other over-size items in dumpsters as they cannot be properly emptied.
We love the vibrant mix of businesses in our downtown. When thinking of adding color to your building, remember to follow the architectural standards ordnance. If you’re unsure your colors meet the requirements, call Community Development at 770-830-2000.
Thinking of a new sign? Great! But make sure it follows the sign ordinance including size, lighting options and materials. Be sure you get a sign permit prior to installation. Applications are available here.
Temporary signage like sandwich boards are permitted near your doorway as long as they aren’t blocking sidewalks. No other signage may be placed on city property such as no parking, reserved signage, digital signs, etc.
No Smoking
In an effort to make downtown more family-friendly, there is no smoking on Adamson Square. Smoking receptacles are available behind the square for butts. Please remind your employees to smoke in peripheral locations and not directly on Adamson Square.