The City of Carrollton and the city schools system are partnering on a new program to spread awareness of government and develop the leaders of the future.
The Carrollton City Youth Council is a program for students in grades 9-12 at Carrollton High School. In addition to helping develop future leaders and creating an awareness of city government, the city will seek suggestions from the CYC about city programming for young people..
“We’re so excited about the potential of the Youth Council,” said Carrollton Mayor Betty Cason. “These students will learn first-hand many valuable lessons and skills related to our government and we’re looking forward to getting a fresh perspective on our city’s services, especially as they relate to young people.”
CYC students are nominated by the CHS principal and administration, reviewed by Carrollton’s assistant city manager and sworn in by mayor and council. Once a student is on the CYC, they can stay on the council for the remainder of their high school career, as long as they continue to meet all the criteria. Members must live in the City of Carrollton, maintain an 85 GPA or higher, have a 95 percent school attendance rate or higher and can’t have a Level II or higher discipline referral. The CYC will be sworn in at the January 3 Carrollton City Council meeting.
“We are grateful to the city leadership for providing this opportunity for our students,” said Carrollton Schools Superintendent Dr. Mark Albertus. “We hope these young men and women will learn more about their community and the role of city government, pursue their postsecondary and career plans and return to Carrollton to become the next generation of leaders.”
CYC meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of each month. The group held their first organizational meeting, November 17, with Sgt. Meredith Browning of the Carrollton Police Department leading the program as the city staff liaison.
“I believe these students have a unique perspective that can be leveraged by this council,” said Ian Lyle, CHS Principal. “I hope this experience helps them develop a deeper appreciation for the impact that they can have on our community. Our youth can provide insight into the hopes, dreams and values of young people today.”
The students who comprise the first City Youth Council are: twelfth-graders Tobey Barden, Marisa Lope and Kiara Wilbanks, eleventh-graders Lexi Walter, Will Jennings and Jaylen Marsh, tenth-graders Clara Pullen, Ramsey Sullivan and Hudson Blackmon and ninth-graders Jacey Sabo, Kaydance McKenzie and Kush Patel. All city council wards are represented on the CYC.
Photo: Inaugural members of the Carrollton Youth Council are pictured with city and school leadership at the group’s orientation meeting, held Nov. 17 at Carrollton High School.