Murals and Application

A mural is a piece of artwork painted directly on a wall, ceiling or other permanent surface. If you want to install a mural in the City of Carrollton, you’ll need to submit a formal application (including an application fee), a scaled color rendering of the proposed project, a maintenance plan and a photograph showing the building location of the proposed mural. Murals that do not meet all of the design guidelines will not be considered for review or approval.

Mural Design Criteria and Guidelines

  • Murals must have some cultural or historic relevance to the community or building where it is located. 
  • If the artwork presents a message about a product, organization, cause, political concern, brand or service, it is considered a sign. Signage or subject matter that could be construed as advertising copy or symbols or references directly promoting a product, business, brand, organization, service, cause or political concern is not permitted. 
  • The proposed mural’s design, construction or location can’t have a negative impact on adjacent properties. Murals are not allowed in the R-8, R10, R-15, R-20, ER-1 or ER-3 zoning districts.
  • Murals must have appropriateness of scale. Smaller walls may be completely covered. On larger walls, murals should dominate the surface of the wall, but not overwhelm the local streetscape. 
  • Only one mural per structure is allowed.
  • To avoid the appearance of blight, the overall number of murals may be limited. If the proposed location is very close to adjacent murals, the application may not be approved.  

Review, Approval and Maintenance Procedure

  • The Carrollton Arts Commission will review requests for murals outside the central business district and recommend approval or denial to the mayor and city council. Both the Carrollton Arts Commission and the Downtown (Main Street) Advisory Board will review requests for murals within the central business district and recommend approval or denial to the mayor and council. The mayor and city council will make the final decision.
  • Mural installation must begin within 60 days of approval and should be completed within three months of the start date. The mayor and council can provide additional time in writing, upon request, based on the complexity of the mural. 

Mural Maintenance and Violations

A mural that is not maintained properly will be required to be removed from the property. Unmaintained murals will be considered a violation of the ordinance and subject to penalties listed in Section 1-11 of the City of Carrollton Code of Ordinances.  

Mural Application

How long will this mural be up before being changed to something else. ex. 3 months, 12 months, etc.

Please describe what your mural will look like.
What are the dimensions of your mural?
Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 10 files.
Upload the following:
1. Renderings or mock-up of project
2. Photo of the wall the mural would go
3. Written approval from property owner (if applicable)
First and Last name of the person designing your mural.
What materials will your mural be made of? ex. paint, panels, metal, wood, etc.
How do you plan to maintain your mural over time?