Two veteran employees have assumed new leadership roles at the Carrollton Parks and Recreation Department. The city restructured the department earlier this year and named Kent Johnston as parks director. Julie Ivey has been named to fill the recently-vacated recreation director position.
“I am thankful for this wonderful opportunity,” said Ivey. “I’ve been extremely fortunate to work under several leaders in the parks and rec world. They have taught me so much and provided me with very valuable insight and experiences along the way. They’ve truly been mentors to me and I’m forever grateful for each one of them. I’m really looking forward to working with Kent Johnston and his amazing division while making certain that this department continues to provide quality parks and recreation programming for all citizens of Carrollton.”
In her new position, Ivey will be responsible for the department’s administration and athletics, aquatics and Catherine Hardy Lavender Center programming. Johnston will oversee parks, facilities and programming.
“As parks director, I look forward to working closely with Julie Ivey and all staff to develop more opportunities for citizens to enjoy parks and recreation in our amazing city,” Johnston said. “I appreciate that I have been entrusted with this role. Park and facilities improvements, enhanced programming, more trails and GreenBelt spurs, beautification and land acquisitions for our children and grandchildren are just a few of the things that keep me motivated in this job. I look forward to the possibilities.”
Ivey has worked in parks and recreation for 35 years, with more than 25 years at the CPRD. Johnston has been with the department for 25 years.