Garbage Collection
The City of Carrollton picks up household garbage weekly. During city-observed holidays, pick-up will be delayed to the following day.
Please place garbage containers out by 7am on your scheduled day for collection. Please be sure you have the proper amount of bins to accommodate your weekly trash amount. If you are consistently generating more trash than your city-issued bin will hold you will need to add additional bins ($19.40 per month per bin) or you may be charged an extra fee per bag left on or outside/on top of your bin.
Commercial Collection Fee: $56.30 per month per can.
Find out what day your street gets picked up here.
Yard Debris Collection

Following state Environmental Protection Division standards, we have established a yard debris collection policy, designed to improve stream health and prevent damage to our stormwater system. Debris and yard trimmings are picked up on alternating weeks. Bagged debris, brown bins and other debris should be placed on your curb (away from stormwater drains) Monday morning for pick up during your scheduled week.
Help keep our stormwater drains clear and our sidewalks and streets safe by following the yard debris collection guidelines below.

Leaves and Grass Clippings
Grass clippings and leaves must be placed in brown paper bags or a city-issued brown bin. Plastic bags are not permitted – they are not compatible with the machines at the county transfer station. Bagging (or binning) prevents stormwater drain clogs and reduces hazardous conditions on our sidewalks and streets.

NEW! Brown Bins
We are pleased to offer a brown wheeled bin (similar to your garbage bin) to make collecting your debris easier. The cost of each bin is $60 and we will cover half. If you would like a brown bin, a one-time charge of $30 will be added to your utility bill. Only city-issued brown bins may be used due to truck compatibility requirements.
To order, email the account name and service address to or call 770-830-2000.

Brush, Limbs and Logs
Sticks, limbs and logs should be cut into four-foot or smaller lengths and placed into piles for pick up. They do not need to be bagged or binned.

Place bagged debris, bins or limbs at the edge of your property near the curb, but away from stormwater drains. Debris is picked up every other week.
Additional fees will be charged for debris piles that exceed two cubic yards. See the sidebar for information about disposing of other items.
Garbage Pickup by Street
Abby Lane |
Adamson Square |
Almon Road |
Alton Estes Drive |
Ambulance Drive |
Amhurst Way |
Apache Pass |
Ashgate Way |
Autumn Glen Drive |
Avalon Drive |
Bankhead Hwy |
Banks Drive |
Barker Alley |
Beall Street |
Beulah Church Road |
Billingsley Circle |
Birdsong Way |
Bowen Street |
Bradley Street |
Brandywine Trail |
Brookwood Drive |
Brown Street |
Calhoun Drive |
Candlewood Drive |
Candy Circle |
Carter Street |
Cedar Street (100‐700 Block) |
Chalfont Circle |
Cherokee Street |
Cherry Drive |
Cherry Street |
City Hall Ave |
Club Drive |
College Street |
Cunningham Drive |
Davis Plaza |
East Center Street |
East Chandler Street |
East Club Drive |
East Reese Street |
East Ward Street |
Elm Street |
Fairview Street |
Fairway Drive |
Farmington Trail |
Fawn Circle |
Fifth Street |
Fisher Street |
Flowery Branch Place |
Folds Drive |
Forrest Drive |
Foxfire Drive |
Frances Place |
Frankford Way |
Golfview Court |
Greenpoint Way |
Greystone Drive |
Griffin Drive |
Groover Drive |
Grove Park Drive |
Habersham Place |
Henry Street |
Hickory Chase |
Hickory Walk |
Glacier Court |
Hidden Hill Drive |
Highland Avenue |
Hillcrest Road |
History Drive |
Jones Street |
Joshua Mabry Street |
Katherine Court |
Kay Lane |
Kerry Court |
Kilgore Road |
Kings Bridge Drive |
Kings Bridge Road |
Knollwood Drive |
Kramer Street |
Kyle Way |
Lake Carroll Blvd |
Lake Crossing |
Lake Lane |
Lake Skiff Court |
Lake Terrace Court |
Lakepoint Drive |
Lakeshore Park Drive |
Lakeview Drive |
Lakewood Drive |
Lambert Street |
Lee Street |
Lisa Lane |
Lucille Ave Place |
Luckie Street |
Lumpkin Drive |
Lynda Circle |
Magnolia Street |
Maple Street |
Martin Drive |
Martin Luther King Drive |
Merion Court |
Minden Place |
Molette Street |
Morgan Road |
Stoney Brook Drive |
North Alma Street |
North Avenue |
North Cliff Street |
North Lake Drive |
North Park Street |
Northside Drive |
Old Bremen Road |
Old City Hall Avenue |
Ole Hickory Trail |
Orchard Street |
Oxford Square |
Park Place Way |
Patterson Street |
Peachtree Street |
Pearl Street |
Pennsylvania Avenue |
Perry Street |
Pinecrest Place |
Pineknoll Drive |
Plowshare Road |
Presbyterian Avenue |
Professional Place |
Providence Court |
Providence Drive |
Quail Run |
Ranier Court |
Remmington Way |
Rhudy Street |
River Drive |
Robert Hendrix Drive |
Robinson Avenue |
Rome Street |
South White Street |
Somerset Place |
South Blvd (100 Block Only) |
South Cliff Street |
South Lakeshore Drive |
South Street (M&T) |
Spring Street |
Springwood Drive |
Stewart Street |
Stonewall Drive |
Stoney Point Cove |
Stoney Way |
Sunset Blvd |
Sunset Court |
Tanner Street |
Temple Rd ‐ Hwy 113 N |
Terrapin Court |
Terry Terrace |
Teton Avenue |
Thurman Street |
Tuggle Street |
Turtle Cove |
Turtle Pointe Drive |
Turtle Walk |
Valley Circle |
Valley Green Drive |
Ward Street |
Wellington Court |
West Center Street |
West Chandler Street |
West Club Drive |
West Ga Drive |
West Lakeshore Drive |
West Reese Street |
Westview Way |
Willie North Street |
Wooded Glen Lane |
Woodland Court |
Wrenwood Lane |
Yellowstone Drive |
Yosemite Court |
Adams Street |
Adamson Avenue |
Adamson Drive |
Akin Street |
Alabama Circle |
Alabama Street |
Alice Lane |
Amy Lane |
Austin Avenue |
Austin Circle |
Avenue A |
Avenue B |
Avenue C |
Aycock Street |
Azalea Place |
Bankhead Hwy (200 Block) |
Bass Street |
Beavers Street |
Beckett Court |
Belva Street |
Ben Scott Blvd |
Bennett Circle |
Birkdale Blvd |
Blandenburg Road |
Bledsoe Street |
Bluebird Lane |
Bonner Road |
Borders Street |
Briarwood Drive |
Broad Street |
Brock Street |
Brookstone Drive |
Brumbelow Road |
Burns Road |
Burson Avenue |
Camilla Drive |
Canterbury Drive |
Carroll Circle |
Carroll Street |
Carson Place |
Carter Avenue |
Cedar Street (800‐1200 Block) |
Centennial Road |
Central School Road |
Champion Drive |
Chaucer Lane |
Chestnut Lane |
Clarion Drive |
Clark Street |
Clifton Terrace |
Clinic Avenue |
Coolwater Trace |
Columbia Drive |
Columbia Way |
Cottage Hill Road |
Creek Side Drive |
Creekstone Way |
Crestline Way |
Deer Park Drive |
Dixie Street |
Doctors Drive |
Dunes Court |
Dunwoody Road |
East Allison Circle |
Eastern Avenue |
Elder Circle |
Elizabeth Village Drive |
Emily Court |
Executive Drive |
Ferndale Road |
Fertilla Street |
Fieldstone Circle |
First Street |
Foster Street |
Foxgate Path |
Garrett Street |
Glen Way |
Greenway Blvd |
Hammond Street |
Hampton Way |
Harmon Avenue |
Hay Street |
Haygood Place |
Hays Mill Road |
Hidden Lakes Drive |
Hill Drive |
Hilo Court |
Horsely Mill Road |
Jackson Street |
Jennie Mae Dyer Street |
Jewell Street |
Kensington Court |
Kilarney Court |
Kristy Lane |
Lake Street |
Lane Drive |
Lava Court |
Lei Court |
Leigh Lane |
Longbon Street |
Longview Street |
Lovvorn Road |
Lyle Way Plantation Walk |
Mallard Lane |
Mandeville Avenue |
Manor Way |
Maple Street (Forrest Dr To City Limits) |
Mara Street |
Marsh Drive |
Matthews Avenue |
Meadow Lake Drive |
Meadow Run |
Meadow Side Court |
Medinah Drive |
Melody Drive |
Melrose Park |
Merrell Street |
Millpond Crossing |
Misty Hollow Drive |
Morningside Drive |
Mountain Ash Lane |
Muirfield Way |
National Way |
Newnan Road |
North Allison Circle |
North Aycock Street |
North Garrett Street |
North Nixon Street |
Oak Avenue |
Oak Mountain Parkway |
Oak Mountain Road |
Oak Mountain Trail |
Oakmont Court |
Old Mill Court |
Old Mill Drive |
Old Newnan Road |
Orion Terrace |
Park Lane |
Pierce Street |
Pike Street |
Pine Street |
Pinehurst Way |
Point‐O‐Woods Place |
Refuge Way |
Rejen Drive |
Reserve Drive |
Retreat Way |
Richards Street |
Ridgecrest Avenue |
Ridley Drive |
River Birch Lane |
Roop Street |
Scenic View Lane |
Second Street |
Sentinel Walk |
Shady Lane |
Shady Valley Court |
Shady Valley Drive |
Shannon Drive |
Sinclair Street |
South Allison Circle |
South Aycock Street |
South Blvd (All blocks except 100) |
South Coleman Street |
South Fourth Street |
South Nixon Street |
South Park Street |
South Side Avenue |
South Street (M&T) |
South White Street |
Southwire Drive |
Stonecrest |
Stream Mill Court |
Strickland Road |
Stripling Chapel Road |
Sue Alice Lane |
Summer Chase |
Sunrise Strip |
Sussex Court |
Sycamore Drive |
Tanglewood Trail |
Thornbrook Court |
Tillman Drive |
Tom Reeve Drive |
Trojan Drive |
Turnberry Circle |
Turning Leaf Court |
Victoria Vining Drive |
Victoria Way |
Vineyard Walk |
Vining Court |
Watson Street |
Wedgewood Drive |
West Allison Circle |
West Avenue |
West Dunwoody Drive |
Wind Song Court |
Windmill Way |