4 events found.
George Tames: Presidential Pathways
Carrollton Center for the Arts 251 Alabama St., CarrolltonGeorge Tames worked more than 40 years as a Washington, D.C., photographer for the New York Times. He photographed 10 presidents, who allowed him access to private moments as well … Continue reading George Tames: Presidential Pathways
School Arts
Carrollton Center for the Arts 251 Alabama St., CarrolltonFunny, exciting and thought-provoking works from students across Carroll County in elementary through high school. Reception: October 3, 5 – 7pm. Free
The Arts Festival of Carrollton
Carrollton Center for the Arts 251 Alabama St., CarrolltonThe Arts Festival of Carrollton rolls out the red carpet for fine artists from across the United States. The festival features an artist market of more than 70 visual artists, … Continue reading The Arts Festival of Carrollton
Carrollton Jazz Orchestra @ The Amp
The Amp at Adamson Square 118 Bradley St, CarrolltonUnwind after the first day of the Arts Festival of Carrollton with the CJO!Free