The City of Carrollton offers 50/50 match beautification grants for business and property owners in our Lake Carroll Village and Maple Street Overlay Districts. Grant applications are accepted throughout the year and are reviewed by a Grant Review Committee. Interested applicants, please see our grant guidelines below.
Beautification Grant Guidelines
Eligible Uses
- Signage
- Landscaping (preference given to trees on the city’s tree canopy list)
- Façade Repair (including windows and doors)
- Exterior Paint
- Awnings
- Parking Lot Repair (if part of larger landscaping plan)
- Bike / Pedestrian Facilities
- Community Spaces
Ineligible Uses
- Rent, Lease, or Mortgage Payments
- Rent Deposits
- Utility Bills
- Purchase of Inventory / Business Equipment
- Any Interior Building Improvements
- Salaries or Payroll
- Expenses for Work/Services Already Started
Approval Guidelines
- 50-percent match required.
- Approval by Carrollton Corridor Development and Beautification Committee through a designated subcommittee.
- Monthly review of applications by a subcommittee of the CCDBC.
- Only one grant application per business/organization per fiscal year.
- Preference will be given to projects that work towards compliance with the Lake Carroll Village Overlay Standards.
- Funding priority will be given to properties that front Bankhead Highway.
- Grant program funding will be re-affirmed annually with the approval of the City of Carrollton budget.

Commercial New Business Buildout Grant
The City of Carrollton offers a $20,000 matching grant in the Maple Street Overlay for interior buildouts for new businesses.
Eligible Uses
- Wall Improvement
- Floor Improvement
- Ceiling Improvement
- HVAC Improvement
- Sprinkler System Installation / Improvement
- Fire Alarm System Improvement
- Fixed Bathroom Fixtures
- Fixed Kitchen Fixtures
- Plumbing Improvement
- Grease Traps
Ineligible Uses
- Rent, Lease, or Mortgage Payments
- Rent Deposits
- Utility Bills
- Purchase of Inventory / Business Equipment
- Salaries or Payroll
- Expenses for Work/Services Already Started
Eligibility Criteria
- The proposed business or commercial property must be in the City of Carrollton Maple Street Overlay District.
- The business must be new to the location on Maple Street.
- The business or commercial property owner has paid all appropriate taxes, fees and other assessments, including property taxes, business license fees, occupation taxes and ad valorem taxes.
- No outstanding judgments against the business or commercial property (owner).
- No current proceedings in bankruptcy instituted by or against the business or property owner and no current assignment by the business or commercial property for the benefit of creditors.
- No state or federal tax liens currently pending against the business or the commercial property.
- Financial ability to commit to grant match.
Approval Guidelines
- 50-percent match required.
- Approval by Carrollton Redevelopment Authority.
- Only one grant application per business/organization per fiscal year.
- Preference will be given to projects that work towards compliance with the Maple Street Overlay Design Guidelines.
- Funding priority will be given to properties that front Maple Street.
- Grant program funding will be re-affirmed annually with the approval of the City of Carrollton budget.
If the applicant closes or sells the business before the two years, the applicant must pay back funds to the City of Carrollton at a prorated amount based upon the difference of the date of closure or sale from 24 months.